Sulfur powdered
Sulfur powder is one of the main and essential elements of the plant after nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. The plant needs Sulfur powdered almost as much as phosphorus, but we are less deficient in it. The most important role of sulfur: Increasing photosynthesis – increasing the activity of nitrogen-fixing microorganisms in the soil, the result of which their activity increases nitrogen in the soil, root growth and expansion, followed by increased phosphorus uptake and darkening of leaf color.
Sulfur powdered makes the product fragrant, well-cooked, delicious and also premature. The presence of Sulfur powdered protein compounds in the human body will cause the removal of heavy elements (such as lead, cadmium, etc.) from the body. Sulfur powdered is a very strong antiseptic and fungicide.

How, time and method of consumption:
In agriculture, 100 to 125 kg per hectare should be used with basic fertilizer. In the paddy field, 100 kg per hectare for rice and 150 kg per hectare for high-yield rice. In the last stage of land preparation, the soil of which has already been moved, sprinkle fertilizer with a tiller or reduce the field water 7 to 10 days after transplanting. And prevent water from entering and leaving, apply fertilizer and irrigate again after a few days.
In horticulture, for each year from the age of the tree, 150 to 200 grams with basic fertilizer and some animal manure available in the shade should be used as a compost or strip.

Symptoms of sulfur deficiency in plants:
In plants, sulfur deficiency appears as paleness and jaundice in young leaves and terminal parts of the plant. Sulfur deficiency has important effects on reducing plant growth, the stems become thin and the leaves become complex. In plants, sulfur deficiency causes the accumulation of non-protein nitrogen, and the consumption of these plants is harmful and harmful to ruminants. Sulfur deficiency also causes nitrate accumulation in plants, which is toxic to consume animals.