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Helicobacter pylori infection is one of the most widespread human infections without age and sex restrictions. Humans are the main hosts of this bacterium, and the disease is transmitted orally or through feces. The growth of H. pylori in the stomach causes chronic gastritis and gastric ulcer. This germ is the most common cause of chronic gastritis, which is recognized in almost 100% of patients with duodenal ulcer and 80% of patients with gastric ulcer and is known as a risk factor for the development of gastric tumors and gastric cancer. The infection progresses slowly and asymptomatically and is asymptomatic in many patients.

Urea breath Test:
What do you know about urea breath tests? Who should do this test? Does urea breath test have respiratory effects for people? A breath test measures the amount of specific gases produced in the digestive tract. This test is done to diagnose diseases such as carbohydrate intolerance (lactose or fructose), bacterial overgrowth syndrome, and H. pylori infection (Helicobacter pylori). In this article we will provide explanations about the urea breath test.

Urea breath test process:
The patient is first ingested an oral capsule containing a carbon-14-labeled urea micro currency (C-14-urea). About 15 minutes later, the patient breathes in a special bag called a respirator. The respirator is then inserted into the UBT machine and the test results are determined. If Helicobacter pylori is present in the stomach, it causes the production of labeled ammonia and carbon dioxide by consuming labeled urea, which can be detected in the exhaled air.
Accuracy of diagnosis and clinical applications
The isotope carbon-13 UBT (urea labeled) can be used in many clinical situations. In addition, its sensitivity and specificity in untreated samples is very high, which is between 90 to 98% and between 92 to 100%, respectively.